Many workplaces are a miscellany of teams, with each faction serving a different purpose. And it is no secret that all teams are working towards a common goal- success for themselves and their company. But with success comes work from everyone and sometimes that seemingly leaves no time for personal wellness. According to a study by the American Psychological Association, 51% of employees said they were less productive at work as a result of stress. Often spending more hours at work than with family and friends can be isolating and cause anxiousness that there is, “not enough time” to do anything else. That is why having opportunities to seek personal wellness at work is critical for positive mental and physical well being.
1. Go for a walk
Within many workplaces are others just like you who need to spend some time on their own wellness. Going for a walk outdoors or power-walking indoors is often enough to clear the mind and get your endorphins up and running. Go with a group, a friend, or enjoy the walk time alone.
2. Meditate
Often times we need to decompress our minds from the electronic stimuli that we are prone to being in the middle of all day. Finding a quiet area with dim lights, quiet music and no screens may be just what the doctor ordered.
3. Bike
Whether you ride your bike to work, bring it with you or hop into a biking class, making time to ride off some anxiety can prove to be re-energizing physically and mentally.
4. Meet a friend for lunch
We often find ourselves behind our closed office door inhaling empty carbs from the vending machine in lieu of having a healthy lunch with a friend. Get up from your seat, go to a favorite lunch spot and gab it up with a friend. And don’t forget to laugh!
5. Make plans for after work
We all need things to look forward to now and again, so having the opportunity to make plans with co-workers or friends for after work can be invigorating for the mind and body. Instead of meeting for drinks, why not meet for yoga or pilates? With a little imagination, the opportunities are endless.
Wellness at work is critical to employee retention and productivity. It is proven that employees who have positive interactions in the workplace have a greater sense of overall wellness. Given the proper direction and know-how, your company can achieve a wellness synergy that will help your employees be healthier inside and out.
Ready to make positive changes that will benefit your employees? Get in touch.